Fun Science-Based Facts About the Creative Mind (Part 1)
(reference: Jillian Groening)
1. Creative people live longer.
Due to their openness, creative minds tend to live longer, and may even
get more creative with age. One of the key contributors to longevity was
how creative people react to stress, often seeing obstacles as something
to be overcome rather than a barrier which can’t be breached
(I guess I am living till 112!)
2. Sleep is beneficial for creative thought.
A quick nap here and there greatly enhances individuals’ ability to
problem solve.
Creativity, as Steve Jobs put it, is “just connecting things,” and sleep
acts as a
bridge to bring together a myriad of ideas
3. Creative types tend to be naturally motivated.
While certain personality traits such as openness to experience,
perseverance and self-efficacy are closely related to creativity,
intrinsic motivation plays a big
role in creative ability.
4. Night owls tend to be more creative.
The stereotype of the night owl artist is based in some semblance of fact.
People who are more active in the evening tend to possess the ability to
apply divergent thinking strategies to visual content more than morning
(My average bedtime is 2am!)
4. Creative individuals tend to be independent and aspirational.
Other personality traits of creative people include being self-oriented
rather than other-oriented, a love of work, and trouble in relationships.
This may have
something to do with transcendence of the self as a common moral problem
among creative people.
(I aspire to inspire before I expire!)
5. A “creative personality” does exist.
While it’s often argued that creativity is something that every individual
can learn to access, this study suggests that certain personality traits
register across the board for creative people. These traits include
intuition and extraversion, with openness to experience occurring
positively in every creativity test
(Maybe we are born with it!)
6. Creativity is made up of many cognitive characteristics.
These attributes include fluency, flexibility and originality of thinking;
sensitivity to problems; and ability to transform the known.
7. Intelligence significantly influences creative thought.
Connected to the importance of memory in regards to creative thought,
intelligence is a higher-order cognitive process that helps us understand
creativity as a construct
Lets all take a moment to be proud of our creative minds. Art makes the
world more beautiful and we have a little hand in it...
“Art evokes the mystery without which the world would not exist.” – René
